Institute of Process Engineering
The Institute of Process Engineering (IVT) was founded in 1990 within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. At first, there was only one chair. In 1994 and 1995, three new professors were appointed to the chairs of Mechanical, Thermal, and Chemical Engineering. In these years, teaching and research activities were also considerably extended.
After the establishment of the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering in 1998, the Institute of Process Engineering was assigned to the new faculty as one of four institutes. A further expansion of research activities took place in 1999 with the staffing of the chairs of Biochemical Engineering and Process Systems Engineering.
Overview of Institute Chairs
Chemical Process Engineering | Head: Prof. Dr. Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern
Thermal Process Engineering | Head: Prof. Dr. Evangelos Tsotsas
Mechanical Process Engineering | Head: Prof. Dr. Ir. Berend van Wachem
Bioprocess Engineering | Head: Prof. Dr. Udo Reichl
Process Systems Engineering | Head: Prof. Dr. Kai Sundmacher
Working Group
- Multiphase flows | Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Martin Sommerfeld
Extraordinary Professorships
Crystallization Technology | apl. Prof. Heike Lorenz
- Drying and Pore Networks | apl. Prof. Reza Kharaghani